LiveTiles Intranet Search Connector
The main objective of LiveTiles Search connector is to make reach content discoverable within the MS SharePoint intranet. LiveTiles Search Connector allows you to bring a unified search experience Intranet. This connector enhances the user experience by providing a single entry point to find information published within the Reach portal. This provides real-time access to data, ensuring that search results are always up to date. This is crucial for applications where timely and accurate information retrieval is essential.
System Components
LiveTiles Reach Subscription/Portal
- This is the source system from where the webhooks will be called in LiveTiles Reach based on subscribed events. This system will be responsible for sending payload data to the Search connector, which will act as the input for the search connector.
LiveTiles Custom Search Connector
- The Search connector is deployed in Azure cloud service for securely accessing the data and making the connection to the destination system.
- This component accepts the input payload data from the Reach webhook and uses it for further processing.
- Search connector uses tenant ID from the payload to create the connection with M365 and Configure the search schema further it uses payload data to index the reach content into the search indexer.
Azure AD App Registration
- Azure App Registration is a critical component in the Intranet Search connector as it provides the means for the connector to securely authenticate and authorize itself to access Microsoft Graph and other Microsoft 365 services. It ensures that the connector has the appropriate permissions and security measures in place to access, retrieve, and interact with data and resources on behalf of applications.
Reach API
- LiveTiles Search connector makes use of reach API to fetch the details of reach users and group membership details, and this mainly ensures the permission trimming in MS search result.
Deployment Steps
Step 1 – Reach Subscription Connected to Azure Active Directory
- Ensure that LiveTiles Reach subscription is connected to the Azure Active Directory and with Admin consent.
Step 2 – Azure AD App Registration Authorization
- Open the browser with the tenant admin user role and use the below Url to apply Azure AD App registration authorization.{tenant_id}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?
2. Replace {tenant_id} with customer Azure AD tenant ID.
3. Provide consent to the MS Graph permissions.
- Step 3 – Generate Reach API Key with Owner Permissions
- Login to the Reach subscription with a user account with an owner role.
- Go to the Users section under settings and Generate New API Key.
- Make a copy of the generated API key as we'll need it in the upcoming steps.
- Go to the owner's section under settings and assign the owner right to the API key generated above
Step 4 – Update Reach API Key into function app configuration [To be performed by support team]
- Login to Azure portal and access the function configuration area under the settings section
- Add a new application setting entry.
- Name : ReachSettings:ReachApiKey-{ReachSubscriptionID}
- Value : {ApiKey}
- Replace {ReachSubscriptionID} with customer Reach Subscription ID.
- Replace {ApiKey} with ApiKey Generated at step 3.
Step 5 – Reach Webhook Configuration for Search Connector Configuration
- Login to the Reach subscription with a user account with an owner role
- Go to the Webhooks section under settings and Click “Add Webhook.”
- Provide the Below Value to the webhook.
- description: LiveTiles Search Connector Configuration (Can provide another friendly title)
- URL - <Can contact product support team>
- Subscribed Event: Under News - Select “Publish” and “Published Version Update”
4. Go to the news section of Reach Subscription and publish New or Existing News.
5. The publishing activity will trigger a webhook configured above to create and configure a custom connector under M365 Search Data Source.
6. The connection State will turn from the Publishing state to the Ready State within 10-15 mins.
7. Once the above-mentioned connection is successfully transited to Ready State, need to disable this webhook by unchecking the Subscribed Event.
- Step 6 – Reach Webhook Configuration to Index Reach content
- Login to the Reach subscription with a user account with an owner role.
- Go to the Webhooks section under settings and Click “Add Webhook”.
- Provide the Below Value to the webhook.
- Description: LiveTiles Search Connector – Index Content (Can provide another friendly title)
- URL - <Please contact product support team>
- Subscribed Event: Under News - Select “Publish” and “Published Version Update”
- Go to the news section of Reach Subscription and publish New or Existing News.
- The publishing activity will trigger a webhook configured above to index the reach content into MS search.
- The “Item indexed” count will increase (If this is the first item the count will change to 1).
- Step 7 – Search Configuration – Result Type
- Login to the M365 Admin center and go to the “Search & intelligence” section under Settings.
- Go to “Data Sources” and act on actions shown in the “required action” column.
- Create “Result Type” (This can directly crate from Customization -> Result Type)
- In Pop up screen provide the Name as “Reach News” (This can also be another name)
- Next, Select a content source as “LiveTiles Enterprise Reach Connector”
- Next, Set rules for the result type (this can be skipped as this is an optional step)
- Next, Setup Design Layout. Use below Json
"type": "AdaptiveCard",
"version": "1.3",
"body": [
"type": "ColumnSet",
"columns": [
"type": "Column",
"width": "auto",
"items": [
"type": "Image",
"url": "",
"size": "small",
"horizontalAlignment": "center",
"altText": "Result logo"
"height": "stretch"
"type": "Column",
"width": 5,
"items": [
"type": "TextBlock",
"text": "[${LTRTitle}](${LTRUrl})",
"color": "accent",
"size": "medium",
"weight": "bolder",
"maxLines": 3
"type": "TextBlock",
"text": "**${LTRAuthor}** modified {{DATE(${formatDateTime(LTRModificationDate, 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ' )}, SHORT)}}",
"spacing": "small",
"$when": "${LTRAuthor!='' && LTRModificationDate!=''}"
"type": "TextBlock",
"text": "Modified on modified {{DATE(${formatDateTime(LTRModificationDate, 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ' )}, SHORT)}}",
"spacing": "small",
"$when": "${LTRAuthor=='' && LTRModificationDate!=''}"
"type": "TextBlock",
"text": "Modified by __${LTRAuthor}__",
"spacing": "small",
"$when": "${LTRAuthor!='' && LTRModificationDate==''}"
"type": "TextBlock",
"text": "${if(LTRBody !='', LTRBody, if(LTRTitle !='', LTRTitle, if(LTRHeadline !='', LTRHeadline, if(LTRIntro !='', LTRIntro, 'No Text Found'))))}",
"wrap": true,
"weight": "bolder",
"maxLines": 3,
"spacing": "medium"
"horizontalAlignment": "center",
"spacing": "medium"
"type": "Column",
"width": 2,
"items": [
"type": "Image",
"url": "${LTRImageId}",
"altText": "Result logo",
"horizontalAlignment": "right",
"size": "large"
"$when": "${LTRImageId != ''}"
"$schema": ""
8. It will look like this –
9. Next, Review the result type settings and click on Add result type.
10. This will lead to this output screen.
11. Next from the Required action section click on “Include connector result” and Click OK
- Step 8 – Search Configuration – Verticals
- Login to the M365 Admin center and go to the “Search & intelligence” section under Settings.
- Go to “Customization” and click on the menu “Verticals” then Add a new Vertical.
- Set the Name of the Verticals as “Reach News” (This can also be another name)
- Next, Under Content Source, Select a content Source – Connector -> “LiveTiles Enterprise Reach Connector”
- Next, Add a query and filters (this can be skipped as this is an optional step)
- Next, Review the vertical settings and add the vertical.
- In the next screen click on enable the vertical.
- The resulting screen will look like this.
- Newly created vertical will be listed in the vertical list.
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