The Links tab primary goal is to help control how the News Tile engages with users. As mentioned, the News Tile offers display customization, which also includes UI customization.
Users have the option to select from multiple click targets: New Window, In Place, Modal Dialog, and Slide.
Each of which when selected, offers configurable features:
Click Target
This setting controls where and how the links open. Users can select from either a New Window, In Place, Modal Dialogue or Slide.
- When Modal Dialog is selected, you can set its Modal Width, Model Height and Modal Style.
- When Slide is selected, you can set its Slide Position and its Slide Width.
Modal Width (Click Target - Modal Dialog)
Sets the width of the Modal Dialogue. Only visible when Modal Dialogue is selected.
Modal Height (Click Target - Modal Dialog)
Sets the height of the Modal Dialogue. Only visible when Modal Dialogue is chosen.
Modal Style (Click Target - Modal Dialog)
Sets the border style of the modal Dialogue. Users can select wither Frameless, Framed or SharePoint. Only visible when Modal Dialogue is chosen.
Slide Position (Click Target - Slide)
Sets which side the slide comes out from (left or right).
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