The Calendar Tile is designed for users to be able to create and edit as well as view items from a calendar list across a monthly, weekly, daily or schedule view. This allows end users to be able to also swap between these views giving them more granular view for their items.
Height: Adjust the height of the tile in pixels.
Width: Adjust the width of the tile in pixels.
Initial View: Sets the initial view between Month, Week, Day or Schedule.
Header Color: Change the Header color of the tile using the color picker.
Calendar Event Color: Change the Calendar Event color of the tile using the color picker.
Override page font: Overrides the page font for the selected option
Font Color: Change the font color for the selected option.
Font Size: Changes the size of the font for the selected option.
Calendar Path: Sets the path for the calendar the tile is showing.
Tile Visibility: Select which groups can/cannot view the tile content. Group categories selectable via dropdown: Everyone, Only for, For everyone except.
When Only for or For everyone except, is selected, groups from the selected category will appear from the dropdown menu.
Lock Tile for Non-owners: Select if the tile can be modified only by an owner.
Custom CSS Classes: Add one or multiple Custom CSS classes to the tile.
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