Mar 20, 2020
This release contains new features, feature deprecations, changes and improvements, and bug fixes. If an entry here is a result of a bug report or feature request, the relevant ID number (xxxx-yyyy or #zzzz) will be at the end of the entry.
There are no prerequisites for this release.
Please check previous release notes if you are not upgrading from the latest version.
Supported environments
This release supports the following environments:
- Office 365 tenant and Azure
- SharePoint Server 2013
- SharePoint Server 2016
- SharePoint Server 2019
Note: As the Modern SharePoint experience platform and development framework is too far behind SharePoint Online, the Wizdom on Modern SharePoint experiences capabilities are currently not supported on SharePoint Server 2019.
Feature deprecations
On Modern, Wizdom no longer supports the creation of custom templates. You can no longer customize templates, and you cannot copy templates in order to create your own custom template. If you’re not using custom templates, the Modern Templates page is no longer available. If you’re already using custom templates, Modern Templates is available, and you can keep configuring these templates, but we will no longer update the base template for them.
This means that your custom templates will continue to be based on the version of Wizdom that your customization was tied to.
New features
In Noticeboard, administrators can now enable a default image for a content types. This means that when someone creates a new item of that type, this image appears where the option to add an image usually is. If they want to, the user can replace this image with their own. To enable a default image for a content type, go to Modules > Noticeboard > Content types, and set ´useRollupImage´ to true. Under ´rollupImage´, indicate the hosted link for the image you want. To save your changes, click Save.
Changes and improvements
- In the Page Information web part, you can now click the following tags to generate a search for them: Language, Locations, and Departments.
- For the Noticeboard email notifications, administrators can now enable translations for the “by” and “on behalf of” labels for the tag {{AuthorName}}. These labels translate into the configured language of the recipient. To enable translations, go to Admin >Translations. If you don’t want the “by” and “on behalf of” labels, you can use the tag {{AuthorNameOnly}} instead. This only shows the author name. (2019-1746)
- In Noticeboard, it’s now easier to see the difference between a new comment and a reply.
- All templates with toolbars now have the option to only show icons in the toolbar.
- In the Full Width template for Noticeboard and in the Timeline template in Corporate News, editors can now disable zoom effects for items by disabling the toggle Enable animation. The zoom animation is enabled by default.
- In Noticeboard, you can now scroll through the languages available for translation. (#5408)
- The Page Information web part now performs better. It now only queries and runs searches for the data that the web part is configured to show.
- The Power Panel has improved accessibility and screen reader capabilities. You can now navigate in the tabs with the arrow keys on your keyboard. To open new panels, press the space bar.
- In Corporate News, the search function now uses the property ´pictureThumbnailUrl´ to display images, instead of the Microsoft ´getpreview´ service. This means that images now scale according to the size of the web part, instead of always just being as large as possible.
- The Card template now has unique CSS classes for channel names. This means that you can style each channel, for example to have different colors.
- In Noticeboard, the channel picker now always expands if there are fewer than 100 channels to choose from. If there are more than 100 channels in the tree, the picker is collapsed by default, to ensure quicker loading times.
- In Noticeboard, images provided by oEmbed suppliers are now better integrated.
Resolved issues
- The FAQs web part now correctly displays the question mark icon and modified icons. (2019-0855)
- In Noticeboard posts, you can now correctly link to another Noticeboard (2019-1950)
- If you already have a custom template for the one of the following web parts, the system file for this custom template should now work again: Department staff, Policies and Procedures, Mega Menu,
- Rotator, and Birthday. To update your custom template, copy the system file into the existing custom template. We recommend that you don’t use custom templates, since support for them is deprecated.
- When you re-order or create new items in the FAQsweb part, this no longer causes additional API calls with 404 errors. Instead, this action only causes one API call, which saves your changes.
- When you create a new item in Noticeboard and click the Refresh icon, the item creation flow now stays in the creation pane, instead of moving into the web part.
- When you search for people, you can now correctly find them based on their secondary email as well. (#5055)
- In Noticeboard, users can now only see the Add button if they have Write permission to at least one channel in the specific web part that is either mandatory to, suggested for, or personally selected by the user.
- In Microsoft Teams, the panel height for Power Panel now correctly updates when you resize the app. If the app is resized to be smaller than the panel, you can scroll through the panel content.
- In the Page Review module, you can now correctly save changes for the email timer job. (#5632) (#6010)
- In the People Directory, you can now correctly click the entire input field to search for colleagues. (#5760)
- In Noticeboard, you can now correctly share items that you navigated to from other items by using the back (<) and front (>) arrows.
- In the List templates, long titles no longer cause truncated layout issues.
- When you search in Noticeboard, and have more than one page, the active sub-page in your search is now the first page of the search, not the current page you were on in the web part before searching.
- In Corporate News, when you edit news that have previously been approved, the news item now correctly appears in the web part when using the CAML query. If you don’t have Edit permissions, the web part displays the original until your edits have been published and re-approved. If you have Edit permissions, the web part shows the updated version when you’ve saved your edits. (#5870)
- In the Quicklinksweb part, personal links now correctly open in new tabs if they’ve been configured to do so.
- In the Workspaces web part, the taxonomy (keywords) now correctly displays. You can also now correctly set the amount of keywords to zero (0) after having had keywords. When you create new workspaces, taxonomy fields are now correctly applied. (#6115)
- In web parts with search fields, like Noticeboard and the People Directory, you can now correctly start your search by clicking the placeholder text. (#6107) (#6362)
- When the Power Panelis enabled and the Mega Menu is configured to use an adjusted width, the drop-down menu is no longer offset by the width of the Power Panel. (#5964)
- In Noticeboard, links now correctly open in a new tab, if they’ve been configured to do so. (#6208)
- The Power Panel no longer sometimes crashes due to an inconsistent SharePoint theme status.
- The Noticeboard translation panel no longer glitches on small screens.
- The Cafeteria Menu web part no longer sometimes fails to initialize. (#6196)
- The Page Information web part now correctly shows the department contact information when configured to. (#6090)
- We have corrected spelling errors in the Content Governance web part. (#3563)
- The Noticeboard web part no longer throws the error “Author should be a user principal” if the author has a user principal with ID 2 or 3.
- In Corporate News, the Rotator template now displays correctly on narrow web part zones in Internet Explorer.
- The Card template no longer has an RSS logo for streaming channels. This means that there’s no longer duplicate logos.
- The Rich Text Editor now allows list-style types. This means that you can use ordered and unordered lists with different styles, without them being removed by the Wizdom security filter. (2019-1509)
- Wizdom branding/styling now renders the OWA Preview in search results based on the size of the screen it’s viewed on. (2019-1637)
- When you search for people, you can now correctly find them based on their secondary email as well. (#5055)
- In the Page Review module, you can now correctly save changes for the email timer job. (#5632) (#6010)
- In Corporate News, when you edit news that have previously been approved, the news item now correctly appears in the web part when using the CAML query. If you don’t have Edit permissions, the web part displays the original until your edits have been published and re-approved. If you have Edit permissions, the web part shows the updated version when you’ve saved your edits. (#5870)
- Noticeboard no longer occasionally causes your browser to crash if a news post contains a specific combination of text and links. (#6188)
- In the Learning & Events web part, the Add button no longer occasionally disappears. (#6098)
- We have corrected spelling errors in the Content Governance web part. (#3563)
- In the Course module, admins can now configure whether participants in a course can un-sign from the course after the course deadline.
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