In this article:
Introduction to the FAQs module
You can create one or more lists of FAQs in Wizdom. By placing a FAQs web part module on any chosen page it allows users easy access to answers of questions most commonly searched for.
On classic pages, you can create local FAQs, which you maintain within the web part, and for both classic and modern pages you can create shared FAQs that can be used in multiple web parts and locations on your intranet.
FAQs web part settings
The FAQs web part has the following settings:
Under Design, you configure the styling of the web part frame and title.
Title lets you write a custom title for the web part.
In Chrome type, you define whether you want to hide or make visible the title and frame of the web part.
If the chrome type is visual, you can choose whether to display the web part title.
Image lets you upload an image as the background of the web part frame.
Text color lets you define the color of the title text as background lets you define the background color of the web part’s title field.
With the option of setting a fixed height for web parts, you can ensure alignment of web parts on pages with two or three columns. If the content exceeds the fixed height of the web part, users are offered to expand the content. Dynamic height will make web part heights adjust to content.

Under Properties, you configure web part settings.
Template lets you select a template for the web part. Choose between the pre-made template defined for the FAQs module or your own custom made templates, if any exists.
Under FAQs set, you can select a Global FAQs set to be used for the web part.
If Use shared FAQs set is activated, you are offered to select a global FAQs set in the field below.
In FAQs categories pr. page, you select the number of categories to show on each page before pagination occurs in the web part.

In this article
FAQs module settings
In the Overview section you can see a list of all FAQs already created on pages or in the module.
You can also create new Global FAQs to be used on various pages and locations.
It is possible to turn a local FAQs set created on a page into a Global FAQ set by clicking the ‘Make set global’ link next to the title of the FAQ set.
Note: Modern pages can only use Global FAQs, it is not possible to create local FAQs on a modern page, so all FAQs that should be used on modern pages should be created in the FAQs module.
In the Templates section, you can choose between the 2 standard templates, Simplelist or AccordionList or eventual custom web part templates created.
In Modern Templates section select Simple template or eventual custom web part templates created.
How to create a FAQ set from the FAQs module administration
Click the Create FAQs set button and name the FAQ set by inserting a title.
Create a category of questions and answers/FAQs by clicking the + Add category. If no categories are created, all questions and answers will be shown in the ‘Uncategorized’ category. It is possible to create many categories like ‘Travel’, ‘Reimbursement’ etc.
Create a new question and answer for the FAQs set by clicking the + button.

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