The Page Designer for Modern SharePoint product, or V5 Modern, is an offering that sits on top of Modern SharePoint. This brings the design canvas and our suite of tiles into a single part app page model in Modern SharePoint. Ultimately, the LiveTiles Page Designer experience is a page that is conceptually a giant web part. In this article, we'll explain how to get the LiveTiles Page Designer app file for Modern SharePoint, how to install, how to update, and how to use the application.
Getting Started
App Catalog
To begin, navigate to the app catalog within the site collection. From here, upload the LiveTiles Page Designer.sppkg to the app catalog. Once it has been uploaded, there are considerations for deploying to the entire site.
Installation and Custom Scripting
The installation can differ based on whether or not custom scripting is enabled on the site collection. If custom scripting is enabled on the site, the .sppkg will install both V5 Classic and V5 Modern. Otherwise, if custom scripting is not enabled, only V5 Modern will be installed.
Toggle Deploying to Entire Site: On
After the toggle for deploying to the entire site is selected, click on Deploy. The app will deploy. Navigate back to your home page on your Modern site collection.
Toggle Deploying to Entire Site: Off
After the toggle for deploying to the entire site is unchecked, click on deploy. The app will deploy. Navigate back to your home page on your Modern Site Collection. In order to have the app enabled for the site, click on SharePoint Modern's New, then App. From there, you'll be able to search for LiveTiles Page Designer. Once the app is found, add it. After adding the app, LiveTiles Page Designer will now be in the site.
Installation Banner
If you are a new user and do not have V4 or V5 Classic already installed, an installation banner will appear that indicates LiveTiles has been added, but still needs to be installed. Clicking on this banner will lead to a page to install Page Designer.
Depending on the custom scripting settings detailed above, installing with custom scripting enabled will perform a full installation, while installing with custom scripting disabled will not install the Apply Permissions to DisplayPages List and LiveTiles Pages items, shown with a plus icon in the installation details. Having these installed will install Page Designer V5 Classic alongside the V5 Modern installation.
Updating the Page Designer App When Major/Minor Versions Update
With apps in Modern SharePoint, version numbers are represented as major.minor[.build[.revision]]. Generally, when we update Page Designer for Modern it will increment the revision. When this occurs, the update will automatically be applied without any required intervention.
As an example, a change to the revision in versioning increments the fourth decimal in the version number, so v. X.X.X.1 would turn into v. X.X.X.2.
When new components are added or large-scale updates occur, the major version will update.
A major version update requires:
- downloading a new version of the Page Designer sppkg
- adding the new version to the app catalog which will replace the old version
- redeploying, and updating the app
Though rarely occurring, this process is how Modern SharePoint requires apps to update when incrementing the major or minor version.
A change to the major version increments the first decimal in the version number. For example, v. 1.X.X.X would turn into v. 2.X.X.X.
A minor version increments the second decimal, so v. X.0.X.X. would turn into v. X.1.X.X.
For more documentation on versioning standards, please visit
Updating the App After Major/Minor Version Increments
If a new major or minor version of Page Designer for Modern is released, this support document will have the updated URL for downloading the newest version of the Page Designer for Modern sppkg in the Getting Started section. It will also be given in a product update announcement.
There is a bit of a process for updating to a major version, which will be detailed below:
- Download the newest version of the Page Designer for Modern sppkg.
- This can be found in product update announcements, or at the top of this support article.
- Upload the newest version to your site collection’s app catalog.
- When asked to replace the currently existing app, click Replace It.
- After replacing the app, SharePoint will have a modal appear to deploy the app.
- If you are performing a tenant wide deployment, toggle the Deploying to Entire Site check box.
- If you are performing a tenant wide deployment, then you are done, and you can skip the remaining steps! Otherwise, if you deployed by site collection, there are a few more steps.
- If deployment was performed by the site collection only and not the tenant, once the newest version is deployed, the app will need to be updated > Navigate back to your site collection’s home.
- Once at the site collection home > click the cog in the top right > click on Site Contents.
- SharePoint doesn’t allow updating apps in the Modern view. Switch back to the classic view.
- Once in the classic experience > hover over the LiveTiles Page Designer app > click on the ellipsis.
- Once the pop up appears > click on About.
- If the app needs to be updated, there will be a notification advising you to update
- If the About says “Good news – you already have this on your site.”, then you are currently up to date
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