In this article:
- Introduction
- Policies & Procedures web part settings for modern pages
- Policies & Procedures module settings
- Overview of templates for the Policies & Procedures module
- Policies & Procedures analytics report
- Common challenge: Why doesn’t my policy pages appear in web parts?
Enterprise Policies & Procedures module allows staff to quickly find and access business-critical information as manuals, instructions, or guidelines either by search or by navigation.
Editors can easily create, manage, and edit organizational guidelines by the use of page templates.
The module is often used for handbooks, procedures, instructions, guidelines, and training material.
User interface of the Policies & Procedures module

The Policies & Procedures module includes notifications to users who have not yet read information that is mandatory or relevant to them.
Policy pages, that are mandatory to read for a user, will include a function that requests users to mark pages as read and understood by performing the action of ticking ‘Mark the page as read’.
A version control engine ensures that outdated content or content that is being edited is clearly marked as so. This makes users aware in case content is outdated.
Users can use the dropdown menu in the top of the page to select and view earlier versions of policy pages.
Along with contact information on relevant user or department, a primary and secondary responsible for content on a page can be displayed on policy pages. This leads users in the right direction with questions to or comments on page content.

The ‘Policies I must read’ web part lists the policies that are marked as mandatory to read for a specific user. From this web part, each user can see the policies that are mandatory to read for him or her.
A page that is mandatory to read for the user will be listed in the web part until the user has navigated to the page and clicked on the button ‘Mark the page as read’.
To insert the web part on a modern page, perform the following steps:
1) With the page in edit mode, click the plus icon to see the list of web parts available.
2) Find the ‘Policies I Must Read’ web part either by navigation or by searching the list.
Once placed on a page, you can configure the ‘Policies I Must Read’ web part by clicking the pencil icon to the left of the web part.
In the settings panel to the right, you configure the web part settings.
The Policy Index Web Part
The ‘Policy Index’ web part helps users navigate to a handbook by listing all policies in one or more Enterprise Policies & Procedures site(s). The web part creates an index based on letters allowing users to either search for policy pages or to filter policies based on the initial letter of the policy page subject.
It’s possible to get a complete listing of all policy pages by selecting “All”. Special named policy pages, e.g. pages with numbers as initial letter, will show in the list when selecting “#”.
To insert the web part on a modern page, perform the following steps:
Add the Policy Index web part to a page by clicking ‘Edit’ in the top right corner, and then click ‘+’ where you want to add the Index. A list of web parts will show, locate Policy Index and click on it to insert it on the page.
Once added, you can configure the design and functionalities of the web part by clicking on the pencil icon to the left of the web part. A menu will appear on the right side of the page where you can adjust the design and properties of the Policy Index
In the settings panel to the right, you configure the web part settings.
Title let’s you change the heading from ‘Policy Index’ to whatever you wish. Choose the heading design by selecting either None, Title, or Visual from the dropdown list below Chrometype. Webpart class allows for one or more CSS classes (separated by space) that will be applied. Additionally, you can select to show Webpart boarder, enable Webpart padding and customize the height. |
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Next, there are properties that can be modified as well.
Template lets you select a template for the web part. There is currently one default template for this web part. Enable Search and a search bar will appear on the Index so the user can search for a specific document. In Web for Search you point to the Policies & Procedures site or sites you would like the web part to display mandatory policies from. This is done by entering the URL of the site where the Policies & Procedures site or sites, you want the web part to display policies from, are located.
Result source is where from where the index data is retrieved. If the bar is left empty, the web part will use a default result source. However, if you want to narrow the results you can retrieve the source ID by navigating to Site Settings à Search Result Sources and chose a site collection. The source ID will be displayed in the URL bar. Simply copy it and paste it into the Result source tab. The Letters field is where you specify which letters you would like the web part to display. E.g. if you have unique characters in your language’s alphabet, you can add these letters to the web part. In Default View, you define the standard sorting of the listed policies. NOTE: As the web part relies on SharePoint search it can take time before the web part displays newly created policies as they need to be crawled by SharePoint first. |
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Policies & Procedures module settings
Enable or disable social functionality
If social functionality is enabled for the Policies & Procedures module, editors can activate social functionality as likes, comments, and @mentioning on policy pages. This allows users to e.g. share their best practices on procedures.
Social functionality on a policy page
In order to enable or disable social functionality for the Policies & Procedures module, perform the following steps:
1) Click the ‘Social functionality’ tab in the module in Wizdom Configuration Center.
2) Tick next to ‘Enabled’ to either enable or disable social functionality. When ticked, social functionality is enabled.
3) If enabling social functionality, define the number of comments you want to be visible for the user per default.
In this example, the admin has set two comments to be visible per default
4) Click ‘Save configuration’ to save your changes.
Configure templates for the Policies & Procedures module
The Policies & Procedures module includes a selection of pre-defined templates for the module’s web parts.
You find an overview of templates for the Policies & Procedures module’s web parts under the ‘Templates’ area in the Policies & Procedures module administration.
From here, you can edit existing templates and create new.
Configure Modern Display Templates
Note: This applies to a SharePoint Modern setup.
Display templates can be created and managed from one central location. These templates define how your policy web parts (Policy Index & Policies For Me) will display their data.
First, create a template.
Use the checkbox located in the web part property pane to opt into this feature.
Enable template usage by checking the Load Display Template checkbox from the web parts property pane. If there are no Display Templates available the option will not exist.
Select a template from the dropdown.
Once selected the layout of the web part will be controlled via the admin area for this module. Opting out of this feature from the property will allow you to manage policy display columns directly from the property pane allowing for more granular control.
Policy Index
The template named “AtoZ.html” is a template for the for the Policy Index web part. The template creates an index based on letters allowing users to filter pages based on the initial letter of the handbook page subject. |
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Policy Index with search
The template named “AtoZSearch.html” includes the same functionality as the “AtoZ.html” template, but additionally, includes a typeahead search field to the Policy index. |
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Must Read, List
The template named “MustRead.html” is a template for the ‘Policies I Must Read’ web part. The template lists the policies, that are marked as mandatory to read for a specific user, with title, date, and version. |
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Must Read, Numbers
The template named “MustRead2.html” is an alternative template for the ‘Policies I Must Read’ web part. Besides listing the policies, that are marked as mandatory to read for a specific user, this template, also, creates a graphic representation of the number of policies a user must read. |
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Relevant Pages, List
The template named “Relevant.html” is a template for the ‘Policies Relevant for Me’ web part. The template lists policies that are marked as relevant to read for a specific user with title, date, and version. |
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Relevant Pages, Numbers
The template named “Relevant.html” is an alternative template for the ‘Policies Relevant for Me’ web part. Besides listing policies, that are marked as relevant to read for a specific user, this template, also, creates a graphic representation of the number of policies relevant for a user. |
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The Policies and Procedures module is commonly used to make sure that mandatory documents are read by employees among the organization.
With support from the reporting tool for the Policies and Procedures module, administrators can get an overview of all pages and track whether employees have read the mandatory documents or not. The Compliance report can be found in Enterprise’s Configuration Center in ‘Policies and Procedures’ under the ‘Admin’ tab, making the access limited to intranet administrators only.
How to Start Tracking Activity
In order to get all the analytics functions up and running and making the most out of the Policies and Procedures module there are several steps that must be followed:
Whenever you create a new site collection there are certain steps that must be completed. Locate the web page in the intranet and, as an administrator, click the ‘Share site’ button in the top right corner and add the user called “Search User”. All intranet users with Wizdom set up correctly will be able to find and add “Search User”. Once added, the Compliance report can be accessed from the Configuration Center.
Features of the Compliance report
The Compliance report shows the Policies & Procedures instance of the page in question, the name of the page, the version of the page, when the page was last modified, the number of employees for whom the page is mandatory read, and how many of these employees that have not yet read the latest major version of this page.
Employees who have not yet completed the mandatory readings will be visible to the administrator, so he or she can send out reminders if necessary.
Three Different Views
‘All Policies and Procedures’ which will show results from all Policies & Procedures pages from the web location where the reporting tool is set up to search.
‘Policies and Procedures with requires readers’ which will display pages, from the web location the reporting tool searches in, that are mandatory to read for one or more employees.
‘Policies and Procedures with missing readers’ which will show only pages, from the web location that is searched in, that are mandatory for users that have not read the latest major version of these pages yet.
Once you have filtered down to the report you need, the current view can be downloaded as a CSV file to e.g. be send in an email or stored.
A common challenge for editors and admins managing Policies & Procedures sites and pages is that it can take a long time – sometimes even days – before a newly created policy is displayed in the web parts.
This is due to the fact that the web parts rely on SharePoint’s search. This means that policy pages need to be crawled and indexed by SharePoint before they are able to appear in web parts.
There is a couple of things that can help you in this process:
1) Making sure that the pages you create <a "="" href="" data-et-has-event-already="true">does not have a friendly URLcan make SharePoint crawl and index the pages faster and the pages appear in the web part sooner.
Note that URLs for pages depend on a setting you perform at web site level, and that this is a setting that you have to apply BEFORE you create the handbook page. The URL settings will be applied to all pages you create AFTER you have set it and will not affect pages created before.
2) A good way to check whether or not your page is indexed by SharePoint yet, is by searching for it in SharePoint’s general search center. If the page appears as a search result here, it is already indexed by SharePoint and the reason it does not appear in the web part is NOT because it is not indexed by SharePoint. Hence, it must be due to another issue.
3) Know that your policy can be displayed in the page’s left menu and still not in the web part. The left menu does NOT rely on search and, therefore, is able to display the link to the page immediately, contrary to the web parts.
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