Timer jobs run on a regular interval to do certain tasks in an Enterprise application.
In the Timer jobs module, you can see all the timer jobs configured in the Enterprise application. You can see the Name, Status, Last run, Last completed and Interval information from it.

Timerjobs Module Settings
You can view each job’s log by clicking on the Show logs link and also you can run the job manually by clicking the Run now link.

- ApplicationInsightsDataImport – This job is importing azure application insights data to the Enterprise database.
- BusinessApp Install newly created sitecollections – Activates publishing feature if needed and installs Enterprise on newly created sitecollections.
- BusinessApp Provision newly created sitecollections – Provision projects site templates on to the newly created sitecollections. Notify the creator when the project is ready for use.
- CanteenMenuCleanup – This job is deleting canteen menus from the database which have been expired accoring to the configuration in the todays menu module.
- CheckForDeletedSites – This job refers to the project room module. It deletes all projects connected to SharePoint sites which have been deleted.
- CheckForNewlyCreatedRepositories – This job refers to the project room module. This job applies the main Enterprise template when the repository site collection is created.
- CleanupExternalChannelsTimer – This job is deleting the outdated news from Noticeboard channels with type RSS or Office 365 Video.
- CleanupSharePointPageLikeCommentMentionTimer
- EnsureRepositoriesTimerjob – This job refers to the project room module. It is creating site collection repositories to satisfy the treshhold set in the configuration
- GFTimerjob – This job refers to the gamification module in Enterprise. It is closing surveys and tournaments and updating the achiements of the users.
- Handbook Compliance Report Timer – Generates a report of which users have read “Must read” pages in handbooks.
- Noticeboard News Syncronization Job – This is job is creating noticeboard news from the database as lists items in the noticeboard list in the datastore sitecollection which is configured in admin module. For this job to run without erros, make sure you have set the datastore site collection and the proper search configuration.
- Notification Timer – This job is setting the counter of ‘unread news’ and sending mails notifications for all news scheduled to be published in the future.
- PrincipalGroupingSync – This job is one which could take most time to execute because it is finding and saving all the groups a user is member of. One tip here that if you see some permissions issue in Enterprise webpart, make sure that this job is running properly without errors.
- PrincipalNameSync – Enterprise keeps track of users accessing the intranet in the database and this job sync the names of already created users with the names in AD domain.
- RevisionTimerjob – This job finds all the pages with revison date older than today and if enabled by the page revision module will send e-mail to the contact person of the page. Be careful here when clicking the button Run, because you can send the same e-mail to the employees of the company several times.
- UpdateExternalChannelsTimer – This job will fetch rss feeds and Office 365 videos and create them as news items to the respective channels if such exists.
- WizdomAudienceSync
- WizdomLicenseCheck – Verifies and refreshes Wizdom license incl. add-on modules.
My timerjobs in Enterprise add-in in SharePoint online are not running?
Check whether webjob with name ‘WizdomMaintentanceTimerjob’ exists in the Enterprise website hosted in Azure.
My timerjobs in Enterprise add-in in SharePoint onpremise are not running?
Make sure that the ‘DisableLoopbackCheck’ is set to true on the IIS server running the Enterprise website.
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